
Create Item on Collection

This is the collection where your item will appear.

Drag or choose your file to upload

JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, MP4, WEBM, MP3, WAV, OGG, GLB, GLTF. Max size: 100 MB

We will include a link to this URL on this item's detail page, so that users can click to learn more about it. You are welcome to link to your own webpage with more details.

The description will be included on the item's detail page underneath its image.
Maximal 1000 characters.

Textual traits that show up as rectangles.

Numerical traits that show as a progress bar.

Numerical traits that just show as numbers.

Set this item as explicit and sensitive content.

Enable lazy minting. Item is not minted until the first sale.

The number of items that can be minted.

Freezing your metadata will allow you to permanently lock and store all of this item's content in decentralized file storage.

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